Ep. 238 What is a Health Funnel™?



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Have you ever wondered how health professionals can leverage their expertise to create impactful digital programs? Stephanie Clairmont peels back the curtain and reveals the secrets behind the powerful tool that is the health funnel™. Drawing from her own experience and the wisdom of industry giants like Amy Porterfield, James Wedmore, Donald Miller, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Richard Branson, as well as coaches like Ali Brown and Kelly Roach, she’s crafted digital programs that assist in areas ranging from cooking to clinical digestive health and beyond. Today, Stephanie shares the insights she’s gained in marketing and selling digital programs in the health sector.

She explains the concept of the customer journey and the pivotal role health funnels play in building trust and authority. You’ll find out how to use lead magnets, content, and email communication to create a lasting connection with those seeking health solutions. And no, it’s not just about selling; it’s about understanding what your potential clients need and want so you can provide them with the best solution. Let’s delve into the four signature health funnels that have proven success and learn how to turn leads into paying, satisfied clients.

Key Topics:

  • Intro to Health Funnels: What Are They? (03:09)
  • How to Put a Health Funnel to Work For You (07:08)
  • Helping People Take the First Step (11:23)
  • Trusting Yourself and Your Knowledge (15:24)
  • How To Build Your Health Funnel and Getting Help (16:03)


Join us for our FREE 5-Day Workshop: Find Freedom with eLearning
Happening September 11-15 at 1:00pm – 2:00pm EDT
In this free workshop, you’ll learn how to leverage your expertise to offer programs & courses to your clientele so you can have more financial and time freedom with your private practice.
Go to LeverageYourPractice.com to register!


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Health Funnels 101: Growing Your Health Practice

Hello there. Welcome. My name is Stephanie Clairmont. The CEO of The Leveraged Practice. 

Whether you’re new to my world or have been following my journey since the beginning, I’m grateful to have you here with me. 

I want you to know, you deserve whatever life you want to create. I think your desires are meant to come true. And, there’s lots of different ways. But, if you wanna learn how to do that with your business, with your expertise in health, then you are in the right place, here at The Leveraged Practice.

Whether you’re a therapist, a dietitian, or any other health expert and provider, I’m here to show you how to leverage online programs, marketing and health funnels to create a balanced health practice that aligns with your values and gives you the freedom you deserve.

In the beginning, we all enter the health field with a desire to make a difference and help people. But over time, the demands of our jobs may start to take a toll on our well-being and sense of fulfillment. 

Today, we talk about a topic that will revolutionize the way health professionals work and grow their practice. A topic that is near and dear to my heart: health funnels.

Marketing and Selling Digital Programs for Health Providers in the Health Field

When it comes to marketing and sales, it’s not just about learning from other health professionals. It’s about understanding the strategies employed by successful marketers and salespeople from various industries. 

Over the years, I have read books and books and books. Went to workshops, conferences and courses. I’ve learned from experts, mentors, and coaches from various industries. Amy Porterfield, James Wedmore and Donald Miller, Gary Vaynerchuk and Richard Branson.  All kinds of beautiful people, and I picked up something from every one of them. 

Currently, my coach is Kelly Roach and her team. Love her and her team. They are helping me get to the next place I wanna get to in my business, which is to help even more people. Everything I learn, I bring that back into the health world. So, always learning from people and from books and from experts and then interpreting it for health. 

As a health professional, you are in good hands, because I am an expert and a master of marketing and selling digital programs for health providers in the health field. 

That was unheard of 10 years ago when I started. As a retired dietician, I can relate to the challenges of running a health business. And, it makes me so happy to share everything I know with you beautiful humans focused in health-related professions.  

The Customer Journey in Online Health Programs

In any business, understanding the customer journey is crucial to attracting and converting leads. In the health field, the customer journey may differ depending on whether you’re targeting colleagues with professional development programs or clients with clinical programs. 

To attract and convert leads into paying clients or patients you need to educate. Show them your expertise. Provide value-driven, informative content that addresses clients’ pain points and piques their interest. Establish a connection and address any hesitations they may have.

Provide case studies or testimonials from satisfied clients to build credibility and trust. By nurturing these leads with valuable content, you can guide them towards making a confident decision in investing in your program to provide a solution to their problem.

It’s about creating a meaningful and intentional customer journey that inspires trust to eventually convert leads into customers. 

Benefits of Health Funnels for Health Providers Launching Digital Health Programs

Now, let’s talk about health funnels. In a health funnel, we meet people at the beginning of their customer journey.
People have a problem and they’re looking for help with that problem. 

Offering workshops, webinars, or free resources can be effective in helping provide a solution to people’s problems. It builds trust and establishes yourself as an authority in your field. From there, you can guide them through a health funnel process to enroll them in your program.

It may sound daunting. But, when done right, a well-designed health funnel can generate sales on autopilot, providing you with the time for self-care, family, friends, travel and financial freedom you desire. 

There are 4 signature health funnels here at The Leveraged Practice that work great for health professionals, selling programs and courses. And, we work and support our clients through the process of building out these funnels through our Health Funnels Bootcamp.

Health Funnel Process for Digital Health Programs and Courses

Now that we have a better understanding of health funnels, let’s break down the process into simple stages:

👉Magnetize the Lead: A ‘lead’ is known in real life as a human being. One who is in your world. In your ecosystem. Start by offering your leads a  ‘lead magnet’ (free resources), such as a webinar, 3-day series, class, guides, or quizzes. Help your leads discover your brand. Encourage them to provide their contact information (email, potentially phone number). This allows you to stay connected and nurture your leads.

👉Nurture: Deliver valuable content through automated email campaigns. We send them information to educate. Chat about the resources you provided. Showcase your expertise. And, how it can address their specific needs and pain points.  Help them understand their next steps. Create trust, authority, relationships and rapport.

👉Conversion: Offer a compelling offer or invitation to join your program or course. Provide a clear call to action and make the enrollment, onboarding process simple and straightforward for your buyers.

👉Upsell or downsell: Once clients have completed your program, don’t stop there. Offer additional services or products that complement their journey and help them achieve their desired outcomes.

That’s how we create more leveraged income or even passive income. It takes work. It takes time. And, it takes understanding the system and creating it. But, I truly believe, there has never been something that’s more worth your time to learn about. 

Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional healthcare and embrace leveraging your practice with health funnels. Health funnels 101 is complete. Next step is to integrate health funnels into your practice to start reaping the benefits. Grow your audience. Clients. Impact. Income. Freedom. 

If you’re interested in diving deeper into building an effective health funnel for your practice, I invite you to join me on this journey. Sign-up for Health Funnel Bootcamp, where we deep dive into the four main types of health funnels for health professionals. 

We talk about the strategy of the health funnel. What is it? How it works? Why you choose each funnel? I will walk you through how to set it up. We even have a TLP Tech software with the funnels set up for you. Includes sign-up pages, landing pages, emails, check out pages and courses. Can you ask for more?

Bye for now.

Sending you much love, joy and happiness,


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