Ep. 245 Research Informed Online Health Programs with Flipped Learning

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“Research in about 30 studies compared student learning in traditional classrooms versus flipped classrooms. About 12 of the studies showed that flipped learning was more effective than traditional learning. About 8 studies showed no difference. About 6 studies showed mixed results. One study showed that it was less effective. More research is needed. But it gives us this optimistic angle of how we could leverage our time, our education, and better help our clients out.”

Buckle up and prepare for a journey into the innovative world of digital programming designed specifically for health professionals. This episode centers around the power of research in shaping online programs, specifically along the lines of Flipped Learning. Our host Stephanie Clairmont dissects the unique blend of online coursework and face-to-face learning that leads to flexible and results-oriented learning for patients.

Ever wondered how to free up 10+ hours a week? Let’s explore the magic of implementing a hybrid model, which allows you to provide education on a larger scale, while still seeing one-to-one patients. No matter where you stand on your digital journey, this episode is a treasure trove of actionable strategies, quick tips, and insights that can transform the way you design and execute online health programs.


Key Topics:

  • Intro (00:41)
  • Digging Into The Research (03:33)
  • The Issue with the Traditional Method (05:49)
  • Blended Learning in Healthcare (06:55)
  • Flipped Learning Healthcare with Examples and Research (07:58)
  • Benefits of Flipped Learning (11:43)
  • Wrap-Up and Your Action Steps (13:50)


Join us for our FREE 5-day workshop: Find Freedom with Online Health Programs
Happening December 11-15 at 12:00pm EST Daily
In this free workshop, you’ll learn how to develop digital programs, what tech is needed and how to setup an automated sales system for your established practice. You’ll make a plan for a fulfilling career that also allows you to work less with private patients, while making more.
Go to LeverageYourPractice.com to register!


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Leveraging Flipped Learning in Online Health Programs

Product Development Phase – Part #1

Welcome, welcome. 

Happy that you have joined me here for this one. It’s a good one.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your existing online program, this will help.

Get ready to explore the fascinating world of research-informed online health programs with a focus on flipped learning.

But before we begin, let me share a little bit about myself to help you understand where my burning passion 🔥 to help healthcare providers build out digital assets originates from. 

With a master’s degree from the University of Toronto in Public Health and Promotion, a background in programming and my 12 years of experience as a registered dietitian, I completely understand the challenges and limitations within the healthcare system. 

My own personal journey of being in the health system made me realize the need for change. The healthcare field wasn’t what I wanted it to be or what I thought it could be. So I started my own business, building out online health programs since 2013, to address and change the issues.

Just think 💡…by harnessing the power our healthcare expertise and combining it with online learning we can revolutionize and leverage the way we educate and empower individuals to take charge of their health.

We can use research-based insights from the health field and blend it with our expertise for online health program development. So much fun.


The online education industry is booming, with a staggering worth of over $200 billion. And that is expected to grow between 14-20% over the next 7-8 years!

Have I enlightened you enough to keep reading?

Settle in as I walk you through research-based online health programs with blended and  flipped learning.  

Types of Learning for Online Health Programs 

The Power of Blended Learning

Let’s explore the concept of blended learning.

What is blended learning?

It combines online learning, computer-based, device-based learning with face-to-face education. So beautiful humans do work online and then they physically come to a class.

This approach would allow healthcare professionals to provide more comprehensive and effective instruction to their clients. 

They can go home and go online to listen to what you said a few times over and over again until they absorb or consume it.

By incorporating online instruction that complements in-person sessions, we can cater to different learning styles and ensure that key information is reinforced and applied. 

Introducing Flipped Learning

Flipped learning is a revolutionary concept that flips the traditional learning model. 

What is flipped learning?

Instead of delivering instructional material during in-person sessions, flipped learning entails providing clients with recorded lessons to watch at home before their face-to-face appointments. 

This allows clients to absorb the information at their own pace and frees up valuable session time for implementation, problem-solving and action. 

Flipped learning has a great potential to significantly improve learning outcomes while maximizing the limited time you as a healthcare professional have with your clients.

Research on Flipped Learning

To further understand the impact of flipped learning, we can explore some research findings. 

Studies have shown that flipped learning enhances students’ learning interests, motivation, and effectiveness compared to traditional classroom-based learning. 

Although more research is needed, these initial results offer an optimistic outlook on the potential benefits of applying flipped learning in healthcare education. 

This research does support the idea that leveraging online education can lead to better outcomes for patients.

You can look it up further and learn further.

Flipped Learning for Healthcare

Let’s dive deeper to
understand how you as a healthcare provider can incorporate flipped learning in your private practice

So before someone comes into a session with you, they’ve already been onboarded. Diagnosed. Understand the problem. Everything’s all lined up.

Now instead of coming in first, they watch online videos at home:

  • Educational
  • Training
  • Informational
  • Instructional 

They learn the concepts. 🙌 

When mapping out what a module would include:

  • Introduce the concept
  • Why is it important?
  • What do they need to know?
  • What do they need to unlearn (any mistakes or myths we have to bust)?
  • What should they do?

Now, let’s think 💡 about this, what if we could give our educational sessions to people before they came in to see us whether in person or online, whether one- to-one or in a group setting. 

Then when they have our time (precious, limited capacity) we focus on:

  • Implementation
  • Problem solving
  • Action

That’s the time that you get to spend with them. Support time. Educational time is in video training, an eBook, in audio training or whatever.

Isn’t that such a cool concept?

No we cannot go through all of this interesting research discussion, without addressing a common misconception:

Exploring innovative approaches like flipped learning is solely motivated by financial gains. 

On the contrary, our focus is on improving patient outcomes and ensuring the well-being of healthcare professionals. 

💡 Are we always getting the best outcomes for patients in a one-to-one brick and mortar, face-to-face practice? 

💡 Can you offer the best outcomes when we as health providers are working so hard that we are freaking feeling burnt out?

💡 Can you balance your caseload based on the high demands of client needs?

I’m going to go out on a limb and say NO. Absolutely not. 

As a healthcare professional you can provide personalized care while optimizing your time and avoiding burnout by adopting a hybrid model where you still do one-to-ones, but incorporate online education.

And when I say optimizing time… I am implying you can save about 10 hours per week.

Healthcare + Learning Online

Lovely humans are learning online. They are learning new skills and acquiring knowledge. 

They are increasingly turning to online platforms, such as:

  • Social media 
  • YouTube 
  • Google
  • Websites
  • Podcasts

Are you not doing the same and using online platforms like above to learn?

💡 How do we as healthcare professionals create better teachable experiences that are gonna work with how people are learning in today’s environment?

💡 How do we leverage the power of online education to teach to a larger audience and provide exceptional results and outcomes?

Healthcare Impact Academy

My goal is that I have lit the fire 🔥 under you and have got you thinking 💡 and questioning about
how you will introduce online health programs into your private practice. 

Curious to learn more about:

  • How can I as a healthcare professional create a sustainable business model to support my work in delivering high-quality care and education to my clients?
  • How can I as a healthcare provider strike a balance between face-to-face interactions and online education to achieve result-driven outcomes?
  • Are there any strategies or techniques to ensure my clients engage with the recorded lessons?
  • What online platforms and tools can I as a healthcare practitioner and clinician utilize  to effectively deliver educational content and stop repeating the repeatables?
  • Are there any specific strategies for marketing and promoting my online health programs to reach a wider audience?
  • What are some real-life success stories of healthcare professionals who have implemented hybrid models and achieved exceptional outcomes?

The exciting news…I have all of the answers.

Our new Healthcare Impact Academy will provide the step-by-step process through our Build Your Program, Health Funnel Bootcamp and Amplify Your Reach course bundle. 

The added bonus of having access to our TLP Tech platform for a full year will provide you with templates, automations, sales pages plus so much more, including the option for done-for-you services.

You will also gain access to our team of experts for monthly Q&As in strategy, copywriting, social media and tech. 

Want to learn even more about the Healthcare Impact Academy? Book a call.

We have now explored the power of blended learning, introduced the concept of flipped learning, discussed relevant research on flipped learning’s effectiveness and we have reviewed the value add of online education in the healthcare arena.

You have the ability to revolutionize healthcare education with your unmeasurable expertise and enhance the impact of the beautiful humans that you serve by including digital assets in our private practice.

So, what are you waiting for?

Take the first steps.

I want to leave you with some actionable homework to get you in motion for 2024.

Get out your notebook, reMarkable or something to write with and answer the questions below:

  1. How can you use this flipped learning model with your current health practice?
  2. How can you give your lovely humans in your world video training to take home before they come and see you one-to-one?
  3. What would people want repeated over and over again?

If you’re ready to take your private practice to the next level and start offering online health programs, The Leveraged Practice is here to support you every step of the way. If you want to assess if online health programs are an ideal fit for your practice, check out our free guide

You can reach out to us, send us a DM on Instagram  for more information. 

Thank you once again for joining me. I hope you enjoyed it and found it resourceful. 

Bye for now,

Sending you much love, joy and happiness,



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