Ep.17: Drip Content vs. Full Access

Ep. 17

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Have you been wondering what the difference is between dripping your online program content and giving full access to it? And how to know which one is better for YOUR program?

Asking these questions, though they’re a bit advanced, is still valuable.  When you can picture what your online program will actually look like, you can make it happen!

In today’s episode, I cover the answers to these questions AND give you tips, tricks and insights that you can use to figure out how you can deliver your program. I cover what exactly dripped content is and how it differs from full access, the benefits for your clients and share examples of which option worked better in my programs. 

My biggest goal is to help you see that you can serve more people and make a bigger impact on the world with your brilliant brain and all of the expertise that you have. So you can help more people with their health, to feel better in their bodies and get those desired results from you!

If you enjoyed this podcast, you may enjoy these 3 other podcast episodes about how to start creating your online program:

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